Imagine having your very own private stock of wine. It's easy and affordable when you have your wine made at Brewery Lane's Ferment-on-Premise facility. We specialize in making small 23 litre batches of wine. That's 30 bottles of wine that you can share with your family and friends. Build a wine collection without breaking the bank. Have plenty of perfectly aged wine on hand for every occasion.
Our knowledgeable and accommodating staff will offer guidance and assist you in choosing your wine. Our grape juices and ingredients are supplied by Canada's largest wineries and are sourced from vineyards around the globe. Let us know your preferences and we'll make sure you get your perfect wine.
Once you've made your choice the adventure begins! You'll oversee and take part in the process as your ingredients are prepared for winemaking. This will take about five to ten minutes. The grape juice is then logged and tagged with your information and sent to our fermentation room where our professional winemakers will take over. After four to eight weeks under our care your juice will have been magically transformed into delicious wine and it's ready to go!
When your wine is ready for its new home you'll come back and choose to either bottle or bag it using our professional equipment. This will take anywhere from 15 - 30 minutes. That's it! You now have 23 litres of your very own private stock! That's 30 bottles of wine for about one-third the price of liquor store equivalents.
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