Let our professionals make your wine.

Commercial Quality Wine For Less Than Half Price!

Your private stock of wine crafted by our professionals! Since 1993 Brewery Lane has specialized in small-batch winemaking (get our story here). For a modest investment of your time—less than 30 minutes—you can bring home 30 bottles of wine for less than half what you would pay for store-bought wine. Now that's a big saving! Enjoy great wine at any time and at an affordable price. You'll always have wine on-hand for every occasion. Dinner parties, celebrations, unexpected guests, and get-togethers are just some of the many reasons why having an affordable stock of wine on hand makes sense.You'll never have to leave your house for wine when you have your own private stock.

Call Now For More Information: St. John's 709-754-4090 | Mt Pearl 709-745-1140

Have wine available for every occasion.

Build Your Private Eco-Conscious Wine Collection Without Breaking the Bank.

Commercial wines are expensive. Most of that cost involves aging the wine, packaging it, and delivering it to the consumer. You can save a crazy amount of money — over 50% compared to liquor store equivalents — by crafting and aging your own wine. Build a collection of perfectly aged wine that will be as good or better than commercial equivalents. You'll also be doing your part for the environment. Wine made in your own backyard has a much smaller carbon footprint than wines shipped from Europe and California.

Call Now For More Information: St. John's 709-754-4090 | Mt Pearl 709-745-1140

Winemaking is a fun social activity

It's a Fun Social Activity!

We all know that drinking wine and hanging out with your friends is a fun way to spend an evening however you can amplify that experience by having your wine made with us. We'll take care of all the difficult and technical stuff. All you have to do is get your friends together and come back to bottle your wine when it's ready. It's easy and fun! There's always lots of chatter and laughter. Your friends will love it!

Call Now For More Information: St. John's 709-754-4090 | Mt Pearl 709-745-1140

Have your wine made at our Ferment-on-Premise

We Have Wine Packages to Suit Every Budget and Taste.

Have Your Private Stock of Wine Made-to-Order! Get 30 bottles (750 ml) For Less Than Half The Price of Store-bought Equivalents!

Are you ready to start building your own private wine collection? Visit Brewery Lane or call now to get started on the fun-filled adventure of craft winemaking. Enjoy wine at any time at an affordable price.

Get Your Private Stock of Wine Started Today!
Call Brewery Lane Now
Mt. Pearl: 709-745-1140
St. John's: 709-754-4090

Navigate to Brewery Lane St. John's

Navigate to Brewery Lane Mt. Pearl

Have your wine made at Newfoundland's largest Ferment-on-Premise facility. You deserve to go first-class! We've been supplying craft brewers and winemakers with world-class products since 1993. Visit us today for a unique and fun-filled experience.


286 Torbay Road
7 Commonwealth Avenue