It's FREE! Sign-up at the checkout. It only takes a minute and you'll get rewarded for every dollar you spend with us!
To become a BLC member you have to sign-up at the checkout. It only takes a minute. We'll then issue a BLC card. Have your card scanned at the checkout and you'll earn one base point for every dollar you spend. You can also earn extra points on featured items and special promotions. Every 1000 points you earn can be converted to a $20 cash reward which can be used towards any purchase you make at our store. You also have the option to accumulate points and convert them to cash when you're ready to buy.
Start getting rewarded today! Sign up for our BLC Rewards Loyalty Program. Earn 1 point for every dollar spent! Rack up rewards even faster with the extra points you'll earn on our weekly features.
Keep tabs on your Points and Cash Rewards with our BLC app!